What is Legacy Giving and why plan ahead?
It’s a topic many of us aren’t comfortable talking about, however, ask yourself how you can make a difference. You don’t have to be extremely wealthy to leave a gift to a worthy cause. Your gift doesn’t have to be thousands of dollars. What is important is that you feel good about continuing to support the causes that are important to you. How can you be a part of a team that has a common vision? Whether it’s your local school sports and music programs, medical research, support for low income families or the arts, we hope you will consider leaving a legacy gift to Up North Arts. Research has actually shown that those that plan to give, live longer!

Chat with us about our vision
We’d love to talk with you about what we’re currently doing at UNA, our history, our vision for the future and how others are making an impact. Contact us by phone or email and one of our board members will be happy to show how your legacy gift can make a difference and change lives.
Talk With Your Financial Planner
Talking with your lawyer or financial planner about leaving a legacy gift is a good place to start. They can give you the best advice when it comes to financial planning. If you have a trust, 401K, will, or other codicil in place, there are ways to request a legacy gift be given directly to the causes you support.
Up North Arts, Inc. is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to furthering arts-related educational opportunities in the greater Cadillac area. Your donations are tax deductible up to the allowable limits of State and Federal regulations.

Click this link if you would be interested in more information about our cause and how legacy giving can make a difference.