Up North Arts, Inc. — A brief overview

Purpose: To provide a place where the arts can be practiced, displayed, and enjoyed by residents of and visitors to Northwest Michigan
Mission: To sponsor, promote, and encourage the creative efforts and appreciation of visual, performing, and literary arts in the greater Cadillac community
Background: The Cadillac area offers a good range of multidisciplinary community arts programming including opportunities for visual artists, public art, choral and instrumental music, community theatre, local history, dance, literature and arts education. There is an unmet need for a community arts facility to provide a common, consistent home for meetings, rehearsal, performance, exhibitions, and gatherings as a combined creative sector. As a result, time and resources are challenged as participants must use multiple locations which impacts access to the arts for community audiences and supporters, as well as negatively impacting the financial and volunteer resources of the organizations and limiting growth in awareness, audience and revenue.
The current initiative for a community arts and cultural center led the Cadillac Arts Council (a committee of the City of Cadillac) to use an MCACA POD grant to investigate feasibility and begin preliminary planning. A task force made up of members of the Cadillac Arts council and several other interested parties met with consultant Mary Bevans Gillett between April and October of 2015 to formulate a plan of action.
Current Status: In April of 2016 Up North Arts, Inc. was incorporated as a non-profit organization and obtained 501c3 tax free status in June.
We have a board of directors as well as a non-voting advisory council comprised of community members with an interest in supporting the arts and cultural activities in the Cadillac area. The advisory council may attend any of the board meetings but are not required to do so. Their role is to share their professional and business expertise in support of this very worthwhile project.
Our business plan and case statement were completed and our first major fundraising campaign was held in 2017. Negotiations with the city of Cadillac were completed for rental of a portion of the building at 601 Chestnut (eastern part of senior center). This initial location will serve as visible evidence of our commitment to promoting the arts and cultural enrichment in the greater Cadillac area. Long range goals will focus on providing a full featured community center serving all ages for all art forms.
Up North Arts, Inc. is funded completely from grants, private donations, user fees, and sales revenue. We will operate with a limited paid staff and volunteers.
By laws and/or board minutes are available upon request.
For more information on current events, check out our newsletter, visit us on Facebook, or send an email to info@upnorthartsinc.com